Thursday, July 9, 2009

Roster TN 18 Regiment

Company F
Marbury, James Knox Polk - Pvt
Horton, Mason Dodson - Pvt

Samuel Tucker Gillespy identified as Assistant Surgeon of 3rd Tennessee(Lillard's) Infantry CSA, E Company. He had just completed one year of medical school at the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia in 1860. After Lee's surrender in April, 1865, the brigade was ordered to North Carolina, and rendezvoused at Charlotte, North Carolina where they formed part of the escort for President Jefferson Davis until the surrender at Washington, Georgia May 9, 1865. 

William DEATHERAGE commenced for himself in life by joining the Confederate army, Company A, Twenty-sixth Tennessee Infantry Regiment, on the 15th of June, 1861, and served about four years. He participated in sixteen hard-fought battles, the principal ones being Fort Donelson, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Taylor Ridge Gap, Swamp Creek, Resaca, New Hope, Marietta, Jonesboro, Columbia, Franklin, Nashville; was with Forrest at Murfreesboro the second time, Columbia. Bentonville, Chickasaw Mountain, etc. He surrendered on the 5th of April, 1865, at Greensboro, N. C.

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